Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snowflake Lights

Snowflake Lights


*String of 100 lights, white
*yard of white tulle
*half yard silvery fabric
*spool of shiny white ribbon

1.  Cut into strips.  I varied the width and length of each kind of strip so that it would look less arranged.  My strips ranged from around 5-8 inches and 1/4-1 inch wide.

2.  Tie the strips around the lights.  I tied 4 pieces of tulle, two on each side of the light.  Then I tied two pieces of silver, one on each side, same with the white ribbon.  I then kind of fluffed it up around the lights until it looked right. You can play with this a bit.  I chose to tie around every third light, so I had two normal lights inbetween.  Not only would I have gone crazy doing all 100 lights, but I think less is more in this case and the wider spacing makes them stand out individually.

The end result is a snowflake-esque string of lights!  Hang anywhere, add snowflake ornaments for a truly frosty look.